"Sometimes I dream of being sorrounded by a million flowers as I walk down a path only lit by the moon. Clouds are no where in sight but the sky is exploding with so many stars. I feel the breeze on my skin and I dance to the song of the night. I drift into the infinite sorroundings and I become one with the night." -LV
I love taking photos but I don't consider myself a "photographer" I can not take a photo of just anything and make it look good like real photographers can, or should I say, that most photographers can? Well I mean I don't even know what it means to be a real photographer. Well who knows right? I just think that I'm so inlove with art that I use a camara to portray the vision of my art through a photo. So I consider myself an artist more than a photographer because I only carry certain visions. All my photos usually are related with nature, fantasy, or just anything that seems magical to me and different.. And yes, I do think the photos above do represent a bit of the things I enjoy to photograph. I want my photos to give a sense of inspiration and magic, like a door that leads into another world. A place that you could escape to, or just a vision that will make you smile. -LV