
Your Art.

Do not let your art change for others. Let your art be something that truly represents, YOU. It is so easy to get caught up on everyday life and try to fit your art into an everyday style. Don't do that. It ruins your essence. It ruins the main part of it. The part that makes it special. The part that makes it YOU. Don't worry about having others like your art. Don't worry about others understanding your art! If you do, you will loose yourself and you will loose your art. Your art will no longer be yours. It will not even represent who you truly are. Don't loose yourself in trying to please others. Just please YOU. THAT'S ART. THAT'S YOUR ART. The more true you stay to yourself the more genuine your art will be. 

Let them admire YOUR art. Let them fall in love with YOUR art. Not an illusion. Do it for yourself. That's it. That's true Art. That's YOUR art.

Love All. Love Always.