
Story time...

 So... it was my birthday and my boyfriends birthday this month and we literally celebrated like the whole month of January! We blew out our candles together and I think that was super special! Funny thing is we combined our birthday #s together we both turned 26 this year so our candles read 52! It was such a fun month and now we're both one year older and now I can't wait for next year! So happy we got to celebrate it together!
This is Marshall. Marshall likes to use the arm rest. Marshall is a sophisticated pupper. (As my boyfriend would say)

This is me. Loving life. Loving taking care of my skin!

This is me at the department store where I applied for the Lancome position. Of course this is in the toy section! But wish me luck hopefully I get to work here!

My boyfriend took me to this beautiful place on top of a mountain and the air was just so fresh and clean... oh and cold, but oh my goodness it was such a spectacular view! And I'm holding my puppy mushu my little lucky brat!

Love All.  Love Always. - Lili V