
Dreaming in May


Can you believe it? The first week of may is pretty much gone! 
I have spent the morning day dreaming of new dreams or possible dreams I'd like to make a reality. Of course like the name of my blog. Fantasies into Reality. 
It's so easy to become lost and it's easy to forget what it is truly you desire in life. 
Sometimes we think that if we settle it will be easier than chasing a dream with a possibility of it never coming true. Don't settle. Don't you ever settle. Keep dreaming! And keep trying to create your dreams into a reality. 
Think of new dreams. It's never too late to stop dreaming. 
It is so worth it to know you tried for your dreams than knowing you never tried at all. Don't leave yourself with a what if? Open yourself to endless possibilities and let yourself dream.

Love All. Love Always.
& Dream.

-Lili V